Next Generation Data-Led Dairying, the Sixth meeting in the series of Conferences funded by the Hannah Dairy Research Foundation, will be held on Monday and Tuesday, 18th/19th of November 2024 ("lunch-to-lunch") at the Moredun Research Institute, on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Registration (in person or virtually online) is free and by invitation only, open to anyone with a research or practical interest in any aspect of the dairy foods chain. To receive an invitation, Express Interest now:
The first of our Plenary Speakers are in place: find out more about them below. In addition there will be sessions dedicated to short oral communications and poster presentations on any relevant dairying topic. Abstract Submission is open with a submission deadline of Monday November 4th:
The theme this year revolves around the use of data in the dairy sector. In an era where “Artificial Intelligence” has revolutionised the acronym AI for farmers, the opportunities offered by the collection, processing and use of detailed information are substantial. So, perhaps, are the risks. There are significant challenges to be overcome if the full potential of data-based decision-making is to be realised. How should the data be gathered in the first place? How much data is needed, and can there be an excess that hinders rather than helps? Who owns the data? How should it be processed and interpreted to obtain maximum benefit? Who takes responsibility if things go wrong? How far down the AI route should we go? Where in the dairy foods chain could data use have most (and least) impact?
Meet the speakers
The first four of our six Plenary Speakers are confirmed. Read more about them here: