Journal of Dairy Research:
the international lactation sciences journal
the international lactation sciences journal
JDR is an international, peer-reviewed Journal that publishes original scientific research on all aspects of the biology, wellbeing and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce.
Our aspiration is to become the lead Journal in our field
Our aspiration is to become the lead Journal in our field
The Journal
JDR is published by Cambridge University Press. To view current online articles and all published issues of the Journal, visit Cambridge Core
The Journal's scope
JDR is an authoritative international peer-reviewed Journal focused on the lactation sciences. We interpret lactation broadly.The remit covers the dairy foods chain:
- Feed input
- Biology of lactating animals
- Biology of the mammary gland
- Milk quality
- Technology of processed dairy foods
- Consumers
Publishing in JDR
- JDR is published by Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- Online manuscript submission is available here
- JDR is a hybrid Journal offering both free publishing for authors and optional Gold Open Access
- There are no page charges or Author Processing Charge (APC) for publishing as a standard article in JDR
- Gold Open Access is free for authors whose Institutions have a Read and Publish Agreement with CUP (details)
- Gold Open Access is also available at discounted rates for certain authors, for example those from developing countries (details)
- For other authors, the cost of Gold Open Access is £1,870 ($2,980) per article
- Colour illustrations are also free in the online Journal, but if you choose to retain colour in the hardcopy issue, CUP will charge you £200 for each image ( we recommend you opt for colour online/black and white hardcopy to avoid any charge)
Peer Review and publication times
- JDR operates a hybrid semi-blind system of independent external Peer Review supplemented where necessary by Community Peer Review by members with appropriate expertise
- Details are available here
- Submissions are acknowledged and an initial assessment made normally within one week
- An Editorial Board member then conducts a scientific evaluation, normally within one week
- If successful, external referees are asked to complete a full assessment within three weeks (external Peer Review)
- By agreeing to referee for us, submitting authors qualify for Rapid Peer Review where a decision is guaranteed within six weeks from the start of external Peer Review
- In this way, a decision can normally be given within 8 weeks of submission
- Once accepted, articles are normally published online as First View within 4 weeks
- At the Editor's discretion, a two-week Fast Track Peer Review option is available for exceptional papers
Joining the JDR community
JDR relies on scientists like yourself for its success as a publisher of high quality research. By registering with JDR you will have access to track your submitted manuscript, you will be able to participate in Peer Review and you can apply to join our Editorial Board. Register here If you have difficulty accessing your account there is help here
Ownership and Editorial
JDR is owned by the Hannah Dairy Research Foundation. Proceeds are used to fund research in the lactation sciences. The Journal is edited by Prof Chris Knight, University of Copenhagen. There is more information about the Editorial Office here
The JDR Newsletter is distributed to members of the Community approximately four times each year, with additional bulletins as required. Our JDR can also be accessed online here
Using the JDR Community website
We try to ensure that the website is simple to use, both for the JDR Community as a whole and more specifically for authors and reviewers during Peer Review. Most pages are public access, but some are restricted. Individual manuscript pages can only be accessed by the authors, EBM and Peer Reviewers. Access is via the drop-down "My account" menu and there is help here
Data privacy
Read our Data Protection Notice here