IMPORTANT: This form is ONLY for revisions to manuscripts submitted before March 2024 having references of digits and numbers, eg smith1234
Manuscripts submitted through Scholar One are revised through that system
Please submit your revised manuscript and your response to the referee's comments using this form. Please note that nothing is saved until you press the submit button, and you cannot submit until all of the required information (indicated by red stars) is input. When you submit you will receive an onscreen acknowledgement immediately. We will contact you by email to confirm the submission, usually within a few days.
Before you submit your revised manuscript please ensure that it:
Please submit your revision as a single Word file comprising the full text followed by figures and tables.
Please submit your response to referees as a separate single word file that clearly itemises your response to each of the referee's comments JDR encourages brevity and clarity. Figures and tables included with the revised manuscript must be essential for the understanding of the research. If you have been asked to remove figures and table you do still have the option to present these separately as supplementary files. If you check this box you will be given an opportunity to submit these files once the revision is under consideration.
If you have a supplementary file to add you will be given that option on the acknowledgement page once you have submitted the revised manuscript
Remember to press "submit"! Thank you for submitting your research to JDR. |