Thank you for joining the JDR Peer Review Pool. Peer Review is an essential part of the scientific publishing process, and providing rapid and effective Peer Review will be crucial to the success of the Journal of Dairy Research.
We shall communicate with you using email Your affiliation should be as brief as possible, eg University of Copenhagen The Journal of Dairy Research remit may be simply described as a food chain that starts with the feed input to the dairy animal and ends with processed food products eaten by consumers. Please choose the profile that best describes you Please choose up to three options from the expertise list Please choose keywords carefully. Avoid keywords that simply repeat the profile or expertise (eg "nutrition" repeats "feed input" and "animal nutrition"), but also avoid keywords that are highly specialised. Please use a single word or small combination whenever possible. PLEASE REMEMEBR TO PRESS SUBMIT!
After you submit this form you will be added to our Peer Reviewer Pool and you will then be able to access the Abstracts page for manuscripts available for Peer Review. This can take several days; you will receive an email to acknowledge your acceptance. As a member of the Peer Review Pool you may be asked by EBM to perform Commissioned Peer Review on manuscripts deemed to be relevant on the basis of the expertise and keywords that you have provided. Thank you for assisting JDR! |