Journal of Dairy Research supports ORCiD. Corresponding authors now have the opportunity to provide their ORCiD ID at submission.
Once a manuscript is accepted and passed to Cambridge University Press for production, a current ORCiD ID will be a requirement. Don't have an ORCiD account? You can sign up here. There is no charge. An ORCID iD is a persistent digital identifier for individual researchers supporting automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities and affiliations, through integration in research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission. These can be used as reliable means of identifying authors, disambiguating author names within publisher, society, funder and institutional databases, and for transferring information between those databases. ORCID also offers robust permissions and data privacy protections, giving researchers total control over the data they store on their record, including what is made publicly visible. More information on privacy can be found here: |