Poster Presentations
Full abstracts of all posters are available for download |
The list of Poster titles is shown below and can also be downloaded |
Nutritional quality and the adequacy of donkey milk in the diet of allergic children
Iolanda Altomonte, Elio Novembre, Giovanni Brajon, Lucrezia Sarti, Simona Barni, Francesca Mori, Giada Muscas, Fina Belli, Giuseppe Ragona, Franco Corrias, Rosario Licitra, Federica Salari and Mina Martini5
[email protected]
The behaviour of dairy cattle on the day of calving
Rosie Barraclough, D. J. Shaw, Robert Boyce, Marie J. Haskell and Alastair I. Macrae
[email protected]
Assessing the use of thermal imaging in detection of pyrexia in pre-weaned calves
David J. Bell, Alastair I. Macrae, Malcolm M. Mitchell, Colin S. Mason, Amy Jennings and Marie J. Haskell
[email protected]
Data driven disease detection – an example in dairy calves
Jenna M. Bowen, Gemma A. Miller, Carol-Anne Duthie, David Bell, Colin Mason and Marie J. Haskell
[email protected]
Microarray-based transcriptome profiling of sheep fed with a high iodine-supplemented diet
Marco Iannaccone, Ramy Elegendy, Camillo Martino, Andrea Ianni, Francesco Pomilio, Mary Giantin, Lisa Grotta, Mauro Dacasto and Giuseppe Martino
[email protected]
Rational design of food products as promoters of metabolic health
Andreas Kolb, Linda Petrie, Lisa Smeehuijzen and Alina Zitskaja
[email protected]
Integration of multiple sensor data streams to assist in the detection of mastitis
Craig Michie, Chris Davison, A. Hamilton, Ivan Andonovic, C. Tachtatzis, M. Gilroy and John R Baines
[email protected]
Challenges and potential of dairy processing sludge recycle for agronomic use
S.M Ashekuzzaman, Karl Richards and Owen Fenton
[email protected]
Inline estimation of multiple heat damage tracers in milk by front-face fluorescence
Jordi Saldo, A Zamora, J Liu, H Taterka, U Alvarado, C Gonzalez, N Ayala and M Castillo
[email protected]
Mastitis research at Moredun Research Institute
Riccardo Tassi and Keith T Ballingall
[email protected]
Oestrus Effects on Cow Behaviour and Milk Yield
Vivi M Thorup, Dimitris Dimitrelos, Maggie March and Marie Haskell
[email protected]
The assessment of farm level heat stress risk in a Scottish dairy herd.
Martin Tomlinson, Nicola Gladden and Lorenzo Viora
[email protected]
Study of potential environmental factors predisposing ewes to subclinical mastitis in Greece
Natalia G.C. Vasileiou, Alexios Giannakopoulos, Peter J. Cripps, Katerina S. Ioannidi, Dimitris C. Chatzopoulos, Dimitris A. Gougoulis, Charalambos Billinis, Vasia S. Mavrogianni, Efi Petinaki & George C. Fthenakis
[email protected]
Age reflects on the occurrence of bovine periodontal lesions
Lorenzo Viora, Ana Carolina Borsanelli, Timothy Parkin, David F. Lappin, David Bennett, George King, Iveraldo S. Dutra and Marcello P. Riggio
[email protected]