This form is specifically for those who have been invited to submit an Invited Research Review, Invited Research Reflection or Invited Editorial
Before you submit your manuscript please ensure that it complies with the requirements of the Journal of Dairy Research. Please download and read our Instructions for Contributors
You can also find more advice on the For Authors resource page, and especially the page Prepare your Manuscript
Please ensure that you have read our Guidance (see above). Your manuscript will be returned if we consider that the research would be better submitted in a different format.
The name and email entered here will be taken to be that of the Corresponding Author, and manuscripts that do not comply will be rejected. The Corresponding Author MUST be able to take responsibility for ALL communication regarding the manuscript during Peer Review and, if successful, after publication. That requires a good appreciation of the English language. Please remember that “Corresponding author” is NOT a mark of status, it is a means of communicating.
We will assign a reference that will be first-author-surname followed by a unique number. All Corresponding Authors are required to join the JDR Community. Registration is once-only. It allows access to track your manuscript through Peer Review. If you are not already a Community Member we will register you and allocate username and password (you can change the password later). All contributors can request registration here
Please input your own country of residence, from where the manuscript is submitted. Do NOT enter more than one country.
If you have an ORCiD number please enter it If you or anyone from your group have previously submitted to JDR, please indicate that. Submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that the content is not under consideration elsewhere, and that if accepted by the Journal it will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the editors. Checking these boxes is indication that the Authors accept these and other conditions in the Instructions to Authors. Authors of accepted articles will be asked to assign their copyright, under certain conditions, to the Journal to help protect their material. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors consent to submission.
You MUST submit your manuscript as a single Word file comprising the full text followed by any figures or tables. We cannot accept zip folders. There is no need to submit a separate summary.
Please only supply optional comments if it is essential to the process of considering your manuscript for publication |
Remember to press "submit"!
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Thank you for submitting your research to JDR.
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Thank you for submitting your research to JDR.