Foreign Language Abstracts
As a service to authors and to the JDR Community, we can make the Abstract of published JDR papers freely available in a non-English language.
- The Foreign Language Abstract will be published online only on this JDR Community website and will be accompanied by a link to the original paper
- The Abstract must be submitted by the Corresponding Author responsible for the original paper
- Authors are responsible for the preparation of the Abstract in the language of their choice: initially we are prioritising Portuguese abstracts but other languages are welcome
- The Abstract must start with the title followed by the Abstract text, all translated into the foreign language: nothing else must be included
- The Abstract must be submitted as a single Word file which we shall convert into a pdf for publication
- Translation support (English to Portuguese) is available: enquire
- Publication is at the discretion of the Editor
Please submit your Abstract using this form, and remember:
Remember to press "submit"!
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Thank you for writing to JDR.
File upload can take several minutes. If there is a delay, please be patient.
Thank you for writing to JDR.